Greek Superfoods

Client  Travel Supermarket

Category Travel deals comparison

Project type Animation, Illustration

Travel Supermarket is one of the UK’s leading comparison services for package holidays. They wanted to promote their holiday packages for Greece and asked us to create a quirky and funny content to attract more visitors to their website.

When it comes to creating something quirky and funny I can’t resist. I got involved in the project to create some animations based on some famous Greek superfoods.

The campaign offers a mythological tour of some greek’s locations via their local products and the legends that surround them. With the help of Katie Peck, expert nutritionist, we tried to understand if these legends had a kernel of truth.

The first step of the animation production was to create some well-defined storyboards that set the tone of the whole project.

The storyboards helped me to define the look and feel of the animations. I wanted to give the stories a theatrical feeling by having a stage where the action took place, and some static foreground/background elements.

The set up helped me defining the colour palette, inspired by the colours used in ancient Greece art. The characters’ style was also inspired by ancient vases and decors.

Part of the challenge was to keep the stories short to loop them as a gif. The stage set up helped me to simplify the animations and focus on the characters’ funny interactions.


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